Nov 10, 20222 min

Surviving the Holidays with an Unexpected Pregnancy

Updated: May 30, 2023

The holidays can be a stressful time. We recognize an unexpected pregnancy can also bring about strong feelings. We're here for you if you need help navigating the complex emotions during this season. Here is a few pieces of advice to help you navigate the holidays with an unexpected pregnancy.

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

You probably already know this, but you don’t need to have all the answers about your future. Fear may shout that the elimination of uncertainty is the only way to find peace. That’s simply not true! When fear seeks to suffocate, remember that you are not alone, you are strong, and you’ve overcome challenging things before.

Take a deep breath, exhale, and do the next right thing. You are not responsible for having tomorrow's answers today.

Avoid Negative People

It may be impossible to avoid entirely if you have family dinners with the nosy cousin who just won't quit, but give yourself permission to avoid those who will not be in your corner.

It's also okay to avoid answers to questions you're just not quite sure of yourself. It's okay to not have the answers right now. You can share that you're taking things one day at a time. Be bluntly honest if they need to back off or leave you be if they are not going to be supportive. (Which leads us to our last point.)

Surround Yourself With Support

Although we don’t recommend making a rushed decision, we do recommend making an appointment right away. Learning more about your options can help eliminate stress and worry and help you feel more in control of your circumstances. We can also give you the answers you need to feel confident and empowered.

When you need people in your corner that will support you during life’s messiest moments, that’s us. No shame, no judgment, just support, options, and compassionate care.


Need extra support? Make an appointment today. We provide free resources, classes and aid for women just like you!

You’ve got this and we’ve got your back.


